[Bilbao] Tras el cierre de las oficinas de Panda Security en Barcelona, le toca el turno a Bilbao y Madrid

Enviado por bilbao el Dom, 20/10/2013 - 19:39.

En estas dos ciudades ya se ha reducido la plantilla en torno a un 4%
Ha habido nuevos despidos, todos en el área de Ventas. Nos cuentan que han descendido las ventas, pero ¿y el margen de beneficios?¿ y los salarios de los miembros de los diferentes consejos? ¿el de los inversores?¿también ha descendido?. Eso no lo cuentan, ni aparece en sus cuentas.
Desde 2008, y tras la entrada de los inversores (Fondos de Capital Riesgo) no han parado los despidos. En el periodo de 2008 a 2011, habrán sido unos 40 trabajadores por año. En 2011 ERE y 128 compañerxs despedidxs. Y tras el ERE seguimos con la misma tónica, unos 15 al año. En algunos casos se sustituye al trabajador/a despedido/a, aumentan lxs contratadxs a través de empresas cárnicas(consultoras las llaman), se aumenta la carga de trabajo del resto de la plantilla o se deslocaliza el servicio a otro lugar del mundo donde los salarios sean más bajos.
La solidaridad con los despedidos no es la que debiera darse, menos en estos tiempos. Las clases más desfavorecidas debiéramos unirnos y responder, antes de que te toque ser el próximo al que despiden y ya sea tarde. Unidos podríamos hacer frente al capital y sus títeres gobiernos. Cuando queramos podremos parar los despidos, habrá que estar unidos y olvidar las diferencias. El capital está unido, los de arriba se alían y su única bandera es la del color del billete que llevan en la cartera. Nosotros mientras ,nos creemos que la lucha de clases ya no existe y nos ponemos a defender patrias, equipos de fútbol, mi valía en la empresa pensando que soy imprescindible, …¿ quién gana con esto? Y nos hemos quedado en menos de la mitad de trabajdoxs de los que estábamos antes de la llegada de los Fondos de Inversión.
Desde la Sección Sindical de CNT animamos a los trabajadores de esta y otras empresas a que se defiendan. Esta Sección lamenta los últimos despidos y espera que la plantilla sea consciente y luche por sus derechos. Si no lo hacemos nos podrán plantar otro ERE y nos veremos en la calle. La individualidad y el no arriesgar hace que ganen terreno. No nos respetarán si no nos hacemos respetar. Mediante paros- huelgas, lograríamos cambiar la conducta de la empresa (clasificación profesional adecuada, antigüedad, participación de la plantilla en la vida de la empresa, detalle de las cuentas económicas,..)
Sección Sindical de CNT en Panda Security
After closing a few months ago Panda Security offices in Barcelona, it is the turn to Bilbao and Madrid, which has reduced the workforce by about 4%
There have been lately new layoffs, all of them affecting in this case the Sales Department. To justify it, we were informed that reasons are behind the sales decrease. No deeper analysis has been made to see for example, which are the margins of the profits obtained from that sales!!, nothing about the salaries paid to the Executives of the company!! What about the dividends paid to investors!!. Are the managers and investors of Panda equally being really affected by those sales results?. This information neither has made public as it is supposed to be, nor being included on the financial reports for our knowledge.
Since 2008, after Venture Capital Groups became part of it, dismissals have been a no ending tendency as a unique strategic remedy applied by the Top Management. Between 2008 and 2011 it averaged 40 workers per year. In 2011 the company filed for “Massive Labor Reduction” to the CNMV alleging catastrophic business losses. It was granted and as a result, 128 more workers were fired. Despite those large employee reductions, situation has not changed but remains the same- for your information 15 more employees get fired every year. In some cases dismissed employees are replaced by temporary workers outsourced from labor market companies. In another cases workload is transferred to active employees or directly reallocate it in other counties with lower labor cost.
Support given to dismissed employees has been inexistence for every single layoff. Therefore it is time to join together and make noise to present our strong disappointment and complaints for all those bad practices observed. Please remember that you might be the next one affected by this unethical situation, where explanations are never given. Work together it is clearly the only choice we have to defeat this Abusive Power from the corporate level and its local partners, represented by Governments. Just by doing so whenever an illegal dismissal occurs, it can be responded hardly by us as deserved. More than never we need to close our ties and forget individual differences in the benefit of the group. Decision money makers are joined, search for allies on behalf of Governments and Official Trade Unions, to defend their unique corporate governance goal of money. We urgently have to wake up and actively start protesting against the organization, we can not forget that we were reduced dramatically to half employees under Venture capitals decision making influence.
From the section “CNT” as Independent Trade Union that stands for, we would like to encourage all company’s employees to protest peacefully against this dramatic situation. The “CNT” feels really sorry about latest layoffs and it is determined to defend employees’ labor rights missed intentionally by the company. Just a well prepared plan against incoming malicious intentions from the Management, where it should be considered if needed; work stops, strikes, could revert today’s situation. Employees at Panda are clearly the forgiveness group in comparison with Managers and Investors. The CNT members are committed to guarantee a Fair working environment where employees can deploy professionally their core competences.
CNT Trade Unions -Panda Security

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